B2B Marketing

Content Marketing Strategy and New Markets

B2B Marketing by Julie Bevacqua
B2B Marketing
B2B Marketing by Julie Bevacqua
B2B Marketing

Common Mistakes in B2B Blogging

B2B Marketing by Julie Bevacqua
B2B Marketing
B2B Marketing by Julie Bevacqua
B2B Marketing
B2B Marketing by Julie Bevacqua
B2B Marketing

Switching Channels: Does TV have a place in the online world?

I have to say I enjoy my TV on a regular basis, in small, incremented doses. I select what I enjoy – taped or live – and it’s a chance for me to unwind. In this, I’m not alone. According to an A.C Nielsen survey, the average American watches around 31.5 hours of television per week.

So does this mean TV is not dying as the online gurus predicted it must? While one would automatically assume it’s the youth of today who are switching gears from sitting in front of a television screen to that of a computer, a study conducted by MTV entitled A Beta Life Youth, found that one in four people between 12-24 acknowledged seeing a brand first on TV, and 60% admitted that TV ads influenced them!

B2B Marketing

Brand Building in a Shifting World

Up until a few years ago, companies were hesitant to put down money in a medium that had yet to prove itself.

Fast forward to 10 years ago, and social networking has completely changed the way we do business. No more are we hesitant to pour money into newer marketing channels, because for one, the dollar amount is still generally more affordable than traditional media ever was and two, in almost all instances, social media has proved to be an excellent marketing tool.

B2B Marketing

6 Ways to Enhance Customer Experience

Today more than ever, it’s important to close the gap between what customers expect and what companies deliver. Given that CRM and social tools make for instant results, the customer has rightfully set his sights on higher levels of customer service.

B2B Marketing

12 Smart Social Media Tips to Leverage in 2012

As social media grows, develops and refines itself, so do the many ‘tips’ on how best to use it. It can get overwhelming. There’s also the question of whether some of them will become obsolete over the next few years?

B2B Marketing

8 Social Media Resolutions for 2012

Stewart Brand was once quoted as saying, “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part of the road”.
If you’re not marketing savvy, then it’s quite likely you feel part of the road as new technology and tools roll right over you. And in 2012, it’s likely that the pace of development will pick up.

B2B Marketing

B2B and B2C Social Media Trends for 2012

The year’s coming to a close and let’s see if some of the social media trends predicted for 2011 came true. According to an article on Venturebeat.com, there would be 6 major shifts in 2011.

B2B Marketing

Placing Social in CRM: Can CRM Afford to Fall Behind?

Much has been written about social customer relationship management (SCRM), but what exactly is it? First and foremost, social CRM is still very much about CRM, which remains a strong business strategy to keep a company profitable with customer satisfaction and loyalty strategies. A good CRM solution will collate data to provide a holistic view of each customer, in real time.

B2B Marketing

5 Ways to Measure if Facebook ‘Likes’ Work for Your Business

Is Facebook right for your business? Here are some facts which help marketers make their decision. Facebook currently has over 500 million active users, with 50% of them logging on, on any given day, and with the average user having 130 friends. More than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook, and users install 20 million applications every day!

B2B Marketing

Twitter: Who’s Following Me?

When twitter was first launched, it was quickly branded as a must-have sales tool. People were aggressive about collecting as many followers as they could, resorting to automated apps to […]

B2B Marketing

LinkedIn: Who’s Looking at Me?

While twitter and facebook have proved themselves to be fairly valuable in lead generation, LinkedIn has always been referred to as the ‘businessman’s tool’, great for connecting with other like-minded […]