All posts tagged social media
7 Easy Ways to Get Fans to Share Your Content
Your fans, they could be your customers or admirers, are a great source of support and encouragement. They might comment on your blog posts, ‘like’ your facebook links, and chat with you via twitter. But the question is how do you get them to share your content with others?
Three Steps to Building Your Twitter List
While it’s easy to find people to follow on twitter, marketers will tell you that it’s quality, not quantity that really counts. How do you engage with people who matter on twitter?
10 Ways to Increase Twitter Followers
Though it’s undoubtedly best to include a mix of social media channels when pushing a particular campaign or branding effort, Twitter has proved itself to be an effective single platform upon which to build a promotional presence.
12 Smart Social Media Tips to Leverage in 2012
As social media grows, develops and refines itself, so do the many ‘tips’ on how best to use it. It can get overwhelming. There’s also the question of whether some of them will become obsolete over the next few years?
8 Social Media Resolutions for 2012
Stewart Brand was once quoted as saying, “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part of the road”.
If you’re not marketing savvy, then it’s quite likely you feel part of the road as new technology and tools roll right over you. And in 2012, it’s likely that the pace of development will pick up.
5 Ways to Measure if Facebook ‘Likes’ Work for Your Business
Is Facebook right for your business? Here are some facts which help marketers make their decision. Facebook currently has over 500 million active users, with 50% of them logging on, on any given day, and with the average user having 130 friends. More than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook, and users install 20 million applications every day!
Twitter: Who’s Following Me?
When twitter was first launched, it was quickly branded as a must-have sales tool. People were aggressive about collecting as many followers as they could, resorting to automated apps to […]
Assess the Impact of Social Media in a B2B Setting
Let me throw some names at you: DKNY, Justin Bieber, Kellogg, Metallica, and Olay. Take a moment to think of each of them. Chances are, each one will evoke a particular image in your mind, and while all feelings may not be equal, they will resonate positively if you are a fan.
Now, think of these words: CME Group, Cisco, Oracle, and Gartner. Hmm, hard to find much emotional appeal in them, right?
5 Outstanding Ways to Leverage Social Media in a B2B Setting
By itself, and for larger organizations, social media does not have the strength to drive B2B initiatives. But when combined with other sales and marketing efforts, it can become a potent tool to move your business forward.